Sebenarnya sudah ada standar minimal sliding angles dari masing-masing material tersebut ( sumbernya lupa apa dari Mongana Report atau Stork Palm Oil Review he..he..he., segera akan dicari dari mana sumber data ini). Untuk amannya biasa ditambah 10 derajat dari sudut minimalnya. Contoh : jika sliding angles untuk nut 18, maka sebaiknya dibuat dengan sudut 28 - 30 derajat.
Gambar dibawah ini adalalah sliding angle minimal material di pabrik kelapa sawit.
Table Sliding Angles
Catatan : The above table
shows the minimum angles at which various materials were found to side freely
on a smooth steel plate and on a planed Mahogany board. At the angles given the
material, after being given a slight push, continued to slide and did not
merely roll. Though both the steel and wood surfaces were smooth neither had
been polished by constant use as is experienced with chutes in the mill.